Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away

Of course we really do like the rain, especially for our veggies.  Everything is so happy and healthy looking. It does however make working outside a little challenging.  The garden gets somewhat muddy and out come the fire ants!!  So once the rain died down today, we harvested some more cucumbers, beans, and squash.  And yes, I am sporting about 10 ant bites on my feet!

Our original plan this evening was to can the squash we had cut up on Saturday and put up more pickles, maybe even can some beans.  But as usual, time flies when your having fun and we ran out of it.  So we....

It wasn't much but it was something. This is definitely a new lifestyle change for us and we are learning that we have to make more time for the canning season.  Life gets busy when you've got 4 kids!  Not to mention hubby works and I am nervous about doing any canning on my own. But this is a learning experience and one I am thouroughly enjoying.

By the way, sad news.  Our Sussex hen, Dot abandoned her nest and is no longer brooding! 

 It's our fault.  We moved her nest to a safer location and apparently went about it the wrong way. Hopefully she will get the inclination to brood again and we will have an opportunity to do it right.  Our chickens free range all day but are put up at night because of the raccoons, possums, owls, coyotes and neighbor's dogs.  You wouldn't believe how many we have lost in the last few years to these pests. Gotta keep our chickies safe!

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