Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Always Busy

Well I know its been awhile but it's because we have been so busy.  Sometimes it is hard to sit down and take time to blog.  Here is what we have been doing these past few weeks:

So far we have put up 24 quarts of pickles, 17 pints of green beans, 7 half-pints and 5 pints of pickled jalapenos/serranos, and 17 quarts of squash.  This is only the beginning.  Our garden is still going strong, out of control in fact.....

We have watermelons coming on and tons of tomatoes just waiting to turn!! Plus our green peppers are taking off....its so exciting!!!

I never realized how much work a garden really is.  We have spent countless ours planting, weeding, watering, harvesting and now canning.  It is definitely time consuming but well worth it.  The feeling of being self reliant is very gratifying indeed.

So on top of all the gardening projects we have been working on moving around our chickens.  The 3 week old chicks have been moved out of my house and into the brood house outside.  We also relocated our mama hen who is nesting into that house as well. We moved her at night and set her up in a box rather than leaving her in the nesting box that is about a foot off the ground. We separated her and the other chicks with a wire partition.  You can see it in the pictures below.  We also have a new addition as of today with more peeping each hour. We have 18 in the incubator. Here's to hoping they all hatch healthy!

Side note...we have fleas in our house....yay!!!!  Not.  We have been defleaing all of our 9 baby kittens on a regular basis.  They aren't old enough for frontline or any fleas shampoos so they have to be washed in dawn detergent and their fur run through with a flea comb.  Luckily pest control is coming out Friday.  I hate fleas!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away

Of course we really do like the rain, especially for our veggies.  Everything is so happy and healthy looking. It does however make working outside a little challenging.  The garden gets somewhat muddy and out come the fire ants!!  So once the rain died down today, we harvested some more cucumbers, beans, and squash.  And yes, I am sporting about 10 ant bites on my feet!

Our original plan this evening was to can the squash we had cut up on Saturday and put up more pickles, maybe even can some beans.  But as usual, time flies when your having fun and we ran out of it.  So we....

It wasn't much but it was something. This is definitely a new lifestyle change for us and we are learning that we have to make more time for the canning season.  Life gets busy when you've got 4 kids!  Not to mention hubby works and I am nervous about doing any canning on my own. But this is a learning experience and one I am thouroughly enjoying.

By the way, sad news.  Our Sussex hen, Dot abandoned her nest and is no longer brooding! 

 It's our fault.  We moved her nest to a safer location and apparently went about it the wrong way. Hopefully she will get the inclination to brood again and we will have an opportunity to do it right.  Our chickens free range all day but are put up at night because of the raccoons, possums, owls, coyotes and neighbor's dogs.  You wouldn't believe how many we have lost in the last few years to these pests. Gotta keep our chickies safe!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Canning Day

So Saturday was our first day of canning.  Before we got started we had to put up our chicken eggs for selling and for our own personal use.  We get about a dozen a day so they add up quickly:

After putting up eggs we harvested some more veggies.  We plan to pickle cucumbers and jalepenos first in our water bath canner.

We put up 8 quarts of pickles and 3 half-pints of pickled jalapenos.  Then we
began pressure canning our beans.  We haven't harvested most of them yet. They should
be ready in a few days, but we were able to can 2 pints.  It gave us a chance to use our pressure canner for the first time.

We planned to can squash but ran out of time.  Trying to figure out how this canning process works was really time consuming.  We will hopefully get those done tomorrow night.  All in all, it feels great to be building up our food storage with veggies we planted, making all the hard work really pay off!

Side note:  Two of our hens have decided to set, so we will have lots of baby chicks running around in a few weeks.  Can't wait!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ignore Please

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Ok..I'm supposed to stick this text above to be able to claim my blog on bloglovin.  Its supposed to be a way to link up with FB.  Let's see if it works.......

Woohoo!!  It did!

Unexpected Project

So today hubby had off and we decided to work on an unexpected project.  Last Monday a storm blew through here and knocked down some very large branches.  We think the biggest one was struck by lightening and as it came down, it took others down with it.

So Justin got out the chipper and we've been slowly but surely working through it!

After three hours we got quite alot done:

The sun came out and it started getting hot, so we took a break and worked in the garden.

Looks like we will start pickling tonight!  I have never pickled on my own so this is gonna be a new experience for me...I'm super excited!!  We will pickle the cucumbers and the jalepenos.  We may even can some of the squash.  Pictures will be posted tomorrow!

On another note we have started another batch of chicks in our incubator:

We actually started them Wednesday night, 18 eggs.  We should have some baby chicks in 19 days! (It takes 21 days to hatch).  We just hatched out 14 chicks the beginning of this week:

All but 1 have feathers on their legs.  Looks like we'll have some bantam cochin cross breeds!

  We also have 9 little kittens added to our slowly growing farm. I love this time of year when we are surrounded by baby animals.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Garden Fun

This year has been our third try at a garden and I must say its our best one yet! Here are a few pics:

                                          He is so proud!

                  Here is the most recent...and boy how it's taken off!

 We planted tomatoes, bush beans, pinto beans, squash, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, bell peppers, jalepeno peppers, and sweet peas. And might I add, they are delicious!